Design Direction
Providing standardization to incidents for SREs, including automated guidance on initial strategic steps that incident responders can take to resolve incidents as quickly as possible.
Design Iteration
Design isn't a one-and-done process. I explored various design directions to ensure an inclusive approach, iterating on my wireframes through critiques with PMs and other designers.
I started with the runbook writing screen as it provides a good overview of all the features. In my previous draft, I split the runbook steps and displayed them one by one in Perseus, creating simple connections between each step. However, during the design critique with senior designers, I received feedback that this version of the design was too basic to follow and lacked automation. Additionally, the steps tracing view only showed the action status, raising concerns about the ability to go back to a previous step if a user clicked the wrong option.

I appreciate all the feedback provided, as it informed my final design presented here. I made iterations such as using automated dialogue to provide clear directions for SREs to follow and adding a kebab icon next to each step's status, giving users more options such as going back to the previous step.